Caring About The Creative & Commercializing It

This is part 2 of a 6 part series that lends an economist POV to entrepreneurial ventures that have cultural value , entertainment, or social influence. 


1.What qualities are considered when a creative creates ?

2.How will the qualities that a creator cares about translate into value in a commercial market ?

3.When entrepreneurial pursuits clash with artistic achievement of the vision, what are the methods to deal with the tension?


Listen to the audio for the full experience or stay tuned for the outlined notes. 

NakedMBA Audio Tapes: Part 2 - Deeply

Deeply is about the complex dimensions of combining creative (artistic/cultural impact) with entrepreneurial pursuits. 

Thought point: Is it “art for art’s sake” or is your art for others? 

Audio Chapters

  • Chapter 1: Conscious of Creative & Commodity Tension
    • Business Value Traits 
    • Artist Value Traits
    • The Starving Artist Dynamic 
  • Chapter 2: Using The Tension To Capitalize
    • Creating vs Creating For Profit
    • The Dimension of Flexibility & Openness

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Necessary Provocation to sharpen your entrepreneurial education and inform successful start up development outside the mainstream. 

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